Thursday 14 July 2011

A Reminder to Parents: Holiday Gifts Can Open Pandora’s Box - Protect Your Child’s New PC

Ask any expert and they will tell you that computers should be kept in high-traffic areas of the house, such as the kitchen or family room. Almost everyone will agree that letting a teenager have his or her own computer in the bedroom is not a good idea. But in a time when many families have more than one PC in the home, teens having their own Internet connection is an unavoidable reality. Add to that fact that this is the season of giving and making young wishes come true, chances are a lot more teens will be online with their own connections within the next month.

As technology advances, however, parents can easily give their online youngsters privacy and freedom, while at the same time protect them from the dangers online. One word: monitoring software!

Parents need to be smart when giving teens their own PC. It’s important to adopt and enforce a new set of rules, such as leaving the door open and a “no Internet after” time. Also, visit your child’s room often when they are online, and ask them questions about what websites they are visiting and who their online friends are.

“But before you even do that, as you get ready to give them the ‘big gift’ this year, make sure it is outfitted with the proper parental control software, such the latest PC Pandora release, version 5.0.” says Pandora Corp. co-founder, James Leasure.

Tools like PC Pandora make it easy to find that happy medium between teens being able to freely use the Internet socially, and parents not being left in the dark about their child’s online activity.

Co-founder Manuel Coats explains, “PC Pandora works like a TiVo for your PC, by recording and taking sequential snapshots of what is on the computer screen. This enables parents to see exactly what their children see.” Coats continues, “ In addition, it has all the features that other programs utilize, such as website filtering and blocking, time scheduling, and it will even email a busy parent at work with updates on their child’s online activity.”

The new version 5.0 boasts a revamped user interface, new webcam snapshot capture and Instant Messenger blocking.

If someone is approaching your kids with ill intentions, you will know. It’s really the best all-around defense you can get to help keep your children safe online.

As a special promotion for the holidays, the company is offering the software at a discounted price. Parents can use the code ‘holiday07’ at the store to get $15 off the Standard or Pro editions of the program.

The website has become a place where parents can go to discuss issues, get tips, educate themselves and find answers. They have an interesting Blog and you can find 18 Tips for Safe Surfing.

Online safety is an important topic, now more so than ever – and parents are the first and best line of defense for their kids. Parents, educate yourself on the Net, talk to your kids and protect your PCs with PC Pandora!

Source: saftillc forum sportflying forum pivotab forum Natural Breast Enhancement

A Noble Mission

Over 25 years ago, a fellow named Don Shoendorfer was traveling in Morocco and witnessed a sight that inspired him to make a difference in the world. To bear witness to the sight of a crippled Moroccan woman dragging herself across a dirty road in the middle of town proved too much for him. Her image haunted him for many years to come, until he decided to put his education to use for those less fortunate. He has undertaken a task of great importance, which has the potential to change lives.

In 1999, Don established the Free Wheelchair Mission as a non-profit organization and set to work giving mobility and dignity back to disabled people in developing countries. With his PhD in Mechanical Engineering and an absolute heart of gold, Don has achieved what so many well intentioned organizations strive for. He has given thousands of people the renewed opportunity to live and experience life. And with that, he has given them hope for the future.

The initial challenge facing Don was that of developing a wheelchair that was safe and functional, but also relatively inexpensive. He set about doing research and development and, over time, came up with a design that has virtually eliminated the cost burden generally associated with wheelchairs and wheelchair production. The Free Wheelchair Mission has developed a wheelchair that sells for approximately $50.00 USF, which includes the costs of manufacturing, shipping, and distribution.

The second major challenge facing Don and his organization was the ability to provide these low cost wheelchairs to disabled persons in developing countries at no cost. To overcome this challenge, they have established partnerships with a number of charitable organizations. To date, they have provided wheelchairs free of cost to over 70,000 people in 46 countries. Their mission is to provide 20 million wheelchairs by the year 2010. This is a noble mission, indeed. The Free Wheelchair Mission has generated a lot of positive press for their amazing work, and they were recently acknowledged by the American President, George W. Bush, for the wonderful work they are doing. If only there were more people like Don Shoendorfer.

Source: publizone forum anigaiku forum pureglassmarketing forum offtopix forum

A New Take on DUI

When most people hear the dreaded words Driving under the Influence they see dollar signs because of the costs involved anymore. Organizations like M.A.D.D. and S.A.D.D. have done a terrific job of heightening awareness across the country on driving under the influence of alcohol. States like New Mexico have come the furthest but only because it seemed like they were a safe haven for drunk drivers. Today there is a new problem!

One of the unspoken related problems of drunk driving is drivers falling asleep while intoxicated. Now there is a new epidemic sweeping the country in the form of “sleepwalking” drivers-driving under the influence of the most popular prescription sleep medication in the U.S. - Ambien.

Drivers who are unaware they are asleep at the wheel are a rising threat on U.S highways according to a recent NY times article. In Washington State alone in 2005, for example, 78 impaired drivers were arrested, up from 56 the previous year, with Ambien in their bloodstream. According to the Times article, ten state toxicology labs that test for the presence of the drug rate it as one of the top ten found in impaired drivers yet most states do not even test for the drug. Ambien had 26.6 million prescriptions last year with $2.2 billion in sales according to the article.

According to the report, following their arrests many of the drivers claim to have no recollection of getting behind the wheel. In many of the cases the drug was taken incorrectly either as an overdose or in addition to other drugs such as alcohol—HELLO!

Bizarre behavior often accompanies the misuse of the drug. The label warns of combining the drug with alcohol and possible sleepwalking side effects. Those warnings apparently have been relatively ineffective because broad misuse continues.

Additionally, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders which continue to grow in the U.S. provide another source of drivers falling asleep at the wheel. A study showed that people with sleep apnea were seven times more likely to have multiple car accidents.

So it’s not just your alcohol DUI any more. Drugs, legal and illegal, and a host of sleeping disorders are turning the streets into a nightmare for drivers falling asleep at the wheel all across the country. There are a variety of devices that can keep drivers awake if they are suspect, but maybe the best thing to do is not drive-what a co

Source: inversiontableblog uiscan forum ohwait forum nomnom forum

A Military Tribute

It is truly beyond my abilities to express my gratitude and give my thanks to the military for their service to the world as they fight for our freedom. It is my hope that the following tribute will in part do that.

We are at war! While we enjoy our comfortable homes, food on the table and clean water to drink, thousands of brave men and women of the armed forces are defending our homeland in constant danger, lack of sleep, cold, wet, filth, dust, trenches, hunger and longing for home, so that we may enjoy our freedom. They have put their personal lives on hold, left their families, comfort and all they know to go to another country and fight for not only the U.S.A. but the whole world. The United States is the only country who defends other countries and then returns it back to its people, enabling them to enjoy their new found freedom from tyranny. The military prevents terror from spreading throughout the world. So let's get behind our troops!

Terrorists are brutal murderers without conscience. It is their determination to take out the U.S.A. at any cost and are currently infiltrating and targeting many strategic places of work, including government. They will be ready to strike again when the command is given just as they did with the Twin Towers. You can do your part to help prevent this again. We must be prepared.

We, who have been left at home can also defend our country and there are many ways to do that, first, by defending and supporting our troops. Families should support their sons and daughters in their decision to defend our country. Suspicious activities should be reported. The media should also be supportive. Think how we could lift our troops morale knowing they have our full support.

So the next time you are eating, drinking or having a wonderful evening of dancing, remember, remember who you owe that enjoyment to. Remember those families who kissed their sons and daughters good bye and had the heart wrenching experience of waving their heroes good bye; watching them until they are out of sight, not knowing when and if they will return. How can we ever repay our debt to these brave souls and their families? God bless and protect our heroes, our military men and women! God Bless America!

Source: thedreadpiratesguild forum spectrumhtc forum thclist forum webege forum

A Finishing Costume Touch – Contacts Lenses

If you are looking for a way to make your Halloween costume complete and stand out above everyone else, you can consider special effect contact lenses. Here is a look at how these creepy contact lenses can help you complete the look.

Will I be able to see?

Most of the special effect contact lenses are designed so that you can see while wearing them, including the blackout styled ones. The center portion of the lens remains clear. The exception to this is the ones that are designed to make the entire eye look white, since they hide the pupils. As you will have limited vision, it is suggested that you wear these lenses in only one eye at a time.

Can I still wear them if I wear prescription contacts?

Halloween contact lenses come in styles for both those who need corrective lenses and those that do not. However, the selection of corrective powered lenses is more limited, and do not go higher than a -6 prescription. Some styles are only available as non-corrective lenses.

Will they be comfortable to wear?

If you go with a higher quality brand of contact lenses, they should be comfortable. However, if you do not wear contacts normally you will probably notice that they are there. You should also keep in mind that costume contacts do not allow as much air flow to the eye as your traditional lenses, and so can start to feel irritated sooner. Most costume contact manufacturers do not recommend wearing the lenses for longer than 8 hours at a time.

Can I wear them more than once?

The typical name brand Halloween contact lenses are designed to last for a year, just like your regular contacts would. With good care and only occasional wear the nicer brands can last up to 18 months. Some brands are designed for only temporary wear and will last about 30 days. Less expensive than the other styles, these can be a good option if you only plan on wearing your Halloween contact lenses once.

Are there any risks?

There are some FDA warnings about Halloween contact lenses, and most are associated with the proper wear. You should always see an optometrist before ordering contacts, and purchase them from a registered contact lens retailer. Never share your lenses with another person. Do not sleep in lenses or wear them for longer than 8 hours. Remember to carry a case and contact lens solution with you so that you can remove your lenses if they become uncomfortable. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses.

How much will they cost me?
Traditional Halloween contact lenses range in price from about $60-$80 a pair. Hand-painted Halloween contact lenses are much more expensive and can cost over $200 a pair.

Where can I buy them?

You can often purchase Halloween contact lenses from your regular optometrist as well as online retailers. Since they are often special ordered, make sure that you allow enough time for them to arrive and order early for Halloween orders.

Halloween contact lenses can be a great way to add a finishing and unexpected touch to your Halloween costume.

Source: taraslone forum zeekafridi forum unlimited forum spotthenight forum

A Card That Celebrates Giving All Year Long

A greeting card that does a world of good for children around the world will now be available year-round.

For the first time ever, greeting cards carrying the logo of UNICEF-The United Nations Children's Fund-will be available all through the year at participating Hallmark Gold Crown® stores. UNICEF has been raising money for its programs from the sale of greeting cards since 1949. To date, over 4 billion cards have been sold.

The new collection will feature 20 different varieties of boxed cards packaged in keepsake boxes with an African Kuba-cloth-patterned bottom. Birthday cards, thank-you cards, thinking-of-you cards and blank cards will be included in the collection-the first produced for UNICEF by Hallmark. Most boxes have four designs per box. The cards will be priced between $10 and $20 and come in groups of eight cards with nine envelopes or groups of 20 cards with 21 envelopes.

Since 1947, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF has supported the work of the United Nations Children's Fund by raising support for its programs and increasing public awareness of the challenges facing the world's children.

UNICEF's programs are funded entirely by voluntary contributions and have made a tangible difference in the lives of children in 155 countries and territories. For example:

• $10 can provide a box of 200 disposable syringes for use during immunization campaigns.

• $12 can provide two long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets, protecting families from malaria, which kills one African child every 30 seconds.

• $12 can provide 20 packets of high-energy biscuits, specially developed for malnourished children in emergency situations.

• $17 can immunize one child for life against the six major childhood diseases: diphtheria, measles, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis and whooping cough.

• $20 can buy blankets to protect five small children from the cold.

Kansas City-based Hallmark is known throughout the world for its greeting cards, related personal expression products, and one of television's most honored and enduring dramatic series, "Hallmark Hall of Fame." The company publishes products in more than 30 languages and distributes them in more than 100 countries.

Source: priacash forum conbravo forum utopiasoftware forum screenplaysolutions forum

A Better Way To Prepare And Protect America For Catastrophes

Contrary to popular belief, the epicenter of the strongest earthquake to ever strike the continental U.S. was not in California, but in Missouri. It was so powerful that it changed the course of the Mississippi River.

Twenty states, including Hawaii and every state that borders the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, face the threat of hurricanes every year.

As the population of the U.S. has swelled, so has the risk of Americans facing a catastrophe, whether it's a tornado, hurricane, flood or earthquake.

Home values have also increased in areas prone to natural disasters, and many of those homeowners have their net worth tied up in their homes. This puts their biggest financial asset at risk.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita revealed America is not as prepared for natural disasters as it should be. While we can't stop them from occurring, we can do a better job preparing and protecting America from their consequences.

National coalitions such as Pro, comprised of emergency management officials, first responders, disaster relief experts, insurers and others, are advocating ideas that would help prepare Americans to deal with the consequences of natural disasters before they occur.

One solution is the creation of privately funded, government- sponsored catastrophe funds. These funds would accumulate money in advance of catastrophes, and would be funded by a portion of the insurance premiums collected by private insurers. At the state level, the funds could cover restoration from local disasters. At the federal level, there could be a catastrophe fund that covers losses that can't be covered by one state. Money would not be accessed until needed, and would grow tax-free to help pay for future losses.

Besides catastrophe funds, other solutions could include strengthening first responders, improving building codes, and sensible land use policies.

While a better solution is still in the works, there are some things you can do now to prepare for catastrophes:

• Become familiar with your community's disaster preparedness plan and develop a plan for your family.

• Prepare an emergency supply kit including a three-day supply of bottled water, nonperishable food, a manual can opener, paper plates, cups, utensils, first-aid kit, flashlight and battery-operated radio with extra batteries.

• Organize documents in waterproof containers. Include financial information, important phone numbers, wills, insurance policies, immunization records and passports.

• Prepare an inventory of your personal property and videotape your household contents.

Source: shadowtraders forum r3vclan forum eloxoph forum myscribeweb forum

18 Wheeler Accidents in San Antonio, Tx

Semi trucks or 18-wheelers are increasingly becoming a hazard for law abiding passenger vehicle drivers in Texas. Due to the size of 18-wheelers, accidents involving one are often catastrophic.

The commercial trucking industry is governed by strict laws that must be followed to insure the safety of other vehicles on the road. Drivers holding a Class-A Commercial Driver’s License, required to drive an 18-wheeler, must observe rest periods after a specified number of hours on the road. Their mileage logs must be kept up to date after every change of duty. Unfortunately, drivers are often pushed to meet deadlines and safety becomes secondary to profit or even job security.

The laws governing 18-wheelers are specific and include, but are not limited to: driver logs and weight restrictions. All of these factors can influence the amount of compensation you may be entitled to.

The commercial traffic increase on interstate 35 in recent years is staggering. Statistics from the US Department of Transportation show that an alarming 30% of 18-wheeler accidents are due to driver fatigue. The injuries from these types of accidents are often life altering, requiring lengthy hospital stays and long rehabilitation periods. Medical bills are often astronomical.

If you have been in a serious accident involving an 18-wheeler, you should not attempt to deal with the insurance carrier yourself. The trucking company has their own team of professionals that are immediately dispatched to the accident scene to begin building a strong defense for the trucking company. You will be pressured to accept an offer much lower than the insurance company was actually willing to pay. Don’t let this happen to you. Have an experienced San Antonio Personal Injury attorney negotiate with the insurance company making sure you get the fairest amount possible for your claim.

Source: nlideas forum tdsoft forum assyrian4all forum theadamgaskins forum

9 Secrets about Romanian Brides

Almost all foreign bride sites tell you about the women which are in their database that are:
“gentle, respectful, and loving”
“strongly maternal and family-oriented”
“plays a subordinate role to men in both the public and private spheres”
“a mail order bride does not really ask for a lot”

I am sure that you have read these facts about women who are seeking a western man for marriage or friendship. But how can we classify thousands of women just in a few words?

The scarcity of suitable husbands in Romania has led many marriage-minded Romanian women to explore the possibility of pursuing a Western man.

1. Romanian mail order brides are not character-less toy dolls. She needs what every woman needs: a good husband.

While there is no denial that a substantial number of foreign brides hope to live a better life in a western culture, it is just as legitimate to argue that a fat bank account does not top the list of qualities that these women look for in a man.

What women want is a man who is honest, loyal, sincere, respectful, and able to provide for her children basic needs. The same happens with western women too.

2. A Romanian bride does not harbor the illusion of landing a millionaire for a husband, but instead pins her hopes on finding a man with strength of character, a shared respect for family values, and the financial means to adequately support a family.

Romanian woman perceive Western men as decent, responsible, easy going guys who know how to treat their women well.

3. Because she is a healthy balance of traditional values and a modern, tolerant outlook, the Romanian brides possesses the intelligence and sensibility to adapt to a western environment without sacrificing her norms and customs.

4. Most of the ladies who apply to dating agencies can at least read and understand English.There are doctors, lawyers, teachers, government employees, sales clerks with ages ranging from 18 to 40-plus.

5. A Romanian bride is just seeking the man of his life. Are You the one?

If you believe in destiny you should check out some Romanian brides. Your soulmate can be right there.

6. Just BE YOURSELF when you get in touch with these women and you will be surprised to see the success you'll have.

7. NEVER try impersonate someone you are not. Not only will you come across as insincere, but you will also feel uncomfortable and make others feel this way right along with you.
8. Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on.
Trying to be cool, aggressive generally just makes you awkward and unapproachable. Relax, be natural, be the you that your friends and others who know and like you, see and appreciate.

9. Show Enthusiasm but stop acting like Kiss-Ass Wussbags. Romanian Brides are looking for someone that would ADD VALUE to their lives!

And don't forget that you don't have to impress all the women, only those which are things in common with you: same goals, same interests. You have to know what are you looking for.

Just try, maybe you are single only because you haven't searched in the right place yet. :)

Source: conbravo forum colony forum believeitanime forum tennismanager forum

Wednesday 13 July 2011

6 Things to do if involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents have a reputation for being some of the deadliest. Motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of an accident; therefore the injuries are often severe requiring long recovery periods.

Usually, motorcycle accidents are not the biker’s fault. Due to the size difference between a motorcycle and passenger vehicle, motorcycles are harder to see and are frequently lost in the passenger vehicle’s “blind spot.” Due to this fact biker’s are often sideswiped by vehicles that simply did not see them.

Some shocking statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that motorcyclists are 32 times more likely to die in an accident than passenger vehicle occupants, and 6 times more likely to suffer injuries. It is important to remember that biker’s are entitled to compensation for injuries due to someone else’s negligence as well as passenger vehicle drivers.

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident it is important to remember the following things:
1. Report the accident to police. The police report is helpful to your auto accident injury lawyer in determining fault.
2. Record the names and statements of witnesses to your accident. Take pictures and record any unusual circumstances or whether that may have contributed to the accident. This will be especially useful should your case go to court.
3. Do not speak with any insurance agents or adjusters that may show up at the scene. This is an unscrupulous tactic sometimes used to get people to admit fault or say something that could hurt their claim.
4. Call your insurance company to report the accident. Do not speak with the other party’s insurance carrier. Let your motorcycle accident injury lawyer deal with them.
5. Even if you feel you haven’t sustained a serious injury, it is a good idea to get checked out by a physician. Some brain injuries do not show up right away and insurance companies may be reluctant to pay for an injury later on.
6. Contact a motorcycle accident injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Source: cyberlistserver blog priyo forum calusablueway forum priacash forum

5 Great Tips to Decorate Your Modern Home

Today’s contemporary designs replicate the classic modernist use of space, while renewing it with the durability and comfort required by the busy new generation. The modern furniture of these days is designed keeping comfort and warmth in mind that calls you to settle down and unwind. Materials used in this type of furniture such as leather, and excellent upholstery enhance the decor of your living room. From its shapely contours and gentle angles to its fine craftsmanship and modern materials, contemporary furniture generates an ambiance of effortless elegance.

When choosing any furniture for your home it has to reflect your life; a definite understated elegance, with fashionable sensibilities and eternal simplicity. Your furniture should reveal your personality and flair. Contemporary furniture stores offers so many attractive designs and colors that attract many and these people have some piece of contemporary furniture in their home. It may be a modish rug, streamlined sofa or a stylish dining room set, contemporary furniture has turned into a symbol of modern simplicity.

Here are some tips that you can use while decorating your home with elegant contemporary furniture:

• Neutral colors are the finest choices for modern design. Neutral colors in your bedroom produce a clean and fresh look. They also create the perfect backdrop for a lovely modern painting that will add more charm to your room. Contemporary designs are made with subtle colors to make them completely different from the typical traditional colored rooms.
• Efficient lighting is important to prevent eyestrain. You may love to work in front of a window; but it is not the appropriate place for a computer. If you can find a L-shape set up, you can turn to face the window while your computer screen will face the wall. Consider a contemporary adjustable lamp, or fix halogen lights or spotlights to the shelf or a wall for correct visibility.
• In your bedroom, keep the other things to a minimum. Simple nightstands, full-length mirrors, subtle recessed reading lights, a pair of bamboo, wooden or chrome stools, on which you can keep cushions similar to the duvet cover.
• You can arrange your living room furniture in the method of the American Southwest. A stunning Italian leather sofa in front of an exposed brick fireplace in a subtle brown or red color can change the entire décor of your room. That single piece of contemporary furniture will transform the entire set up of your room and make it more attractive and stylish.
• While contemporary design, in spite of its influences remains sleek, cool and uncluttered, this should not make your bedroom cold and gloomy. Choose an encrusted look by white and black, or red and black sheets. If you desire a pattern, then again it has to be bold and cool. In a modern bedroom with neutral walls, bright red on a bed will add elegance and warmth to your bedroom. It will also lighten the room, and formulate it more inviting, just the way you want your bedroom to be.

Source: marketingtribune forum sydneystormchasers forum sydneystormchasers blog frobba forum

3 Important Planning Steps before Working with a Divorce Lawyer

If you are planning on a divorce then it is paramount to know how to work with a divorce lawyer. There are three important planning steps that you can use to make the process simpler and also try and keep costs down.

Get Organized – It is important that you get yourself organized. A lawyer is going to ask you for an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities. You can get all this information before you meet with the attorney. The attorney will need this information in the form of written evidence such as bank statements, credit card statements, etc. They cannot just operate on the work of their client in this matter. Understand that tax returns will likely be requested, also. Other items that come into play are 401K plan statements, pension statements, and IRA statements. Also, if you have wills or other documents that may prove that some of your property is separate and not community property. Separate property was either brought into the marriage or received in the form of inheritance.

Set priorities – Setting priorities can be vital in making sure that you do not get bogged down in the process. By priorities, I mean determining what is important for you. Remember that all the assets are going to be divided. You should figure out if you want to keep the house or not. You should then determine other material possessions and what is important for you. It is important not to get too carried away, because you may not be able to “keep everything”. Realize that your spouse will get things as well. If you have children, determine who will get custody. Then determine a proposed visitation schedule for the other spouse. Children and visitation are often the issues that bog down the divorce procedure.

Be reasonable - Being reasonable can help you get divorced so that you can get on with your life.
Think about what may be important to the other spouse. Sure you may hate him/her, but you still have to reach an agreement on separation of property, residence for the children, and visitation. A big part of getting through the divorce procedure is being prepared for negotiations. This way ahead of time you can have an idea of what you may give up and what your spouse may give up. As mentioned under the priorities section, these are the things that really matter. Don’t treat this like a contest. Generally, the people that win in a contest are the attorneys due to the high legal fees that can be incurred. Realize that it may be a 50/50 split in the end. Thus, being reasonable should help you contribute towards the other spouse’s 50 while getting you the things that are most important.

In summary, a divorce lawyer works for an hourly wage in most circumstances. Planning on your part can help keep these costs down and also speed up the divorce process.

Source: suckful forum suckful rss forum boostherbs forum marketingtribune forum

'World Day of Prayer' Unites People of All Faiths

On Sept. 14, hundreds of thousands of people will come together in prayer during the 13th annual Unity World Day of Prayer. This interfaith event is open to people of all faiths and all walks of life.

Unity is a worldwide movement founded in 1889 that helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles to their daily lives. It is best known for Daily Word, a monthly magazine of inspirational messages that is distributed to about 1 million people in 175 countries.

Since 1994, millions of people have joined in a partnership of prayer during World Day of Prayer vigils held at many of the nearly 900 Unity churches and centers around the world.

Last year, participants offered prayers for an estimated 1.3 million people during the prayer vigil at the Unity world headquarters at Unity Village, Mo. People send the names of friends and family to Unity on prayer lists for this vigil. Each name is read quietly and sacredly during the vigil.

"In Unity, we know that prayer works," said Unity President Charlotte Shelton. "We host World Day of Prayer as an opportunity for humankind to experience a transformation of health, abundance and love on a global level."

Silent Unity, the transdenominational prayer ministry of Unity, maintains a 24-hour prayer vigil every day of the year and receives more than 2 million letters, telephone calls and Internet requests for prayer annually.

To learn more about the Unity World Day of Prayer, to submit names of friends and family members for the prayer vigil, and to enjoy an affirmation set to sound and motion, visit You can also find Unity churches that serve as host centers for local World Day of Prayer activities.

"We invite people to make a sacred connection with God and prayer participants around the world as they unite in positive attitude, understanding and love on this special day," Shelton said.

Source: jadoyc forum talkingpointsmemo forum zeblog forum startranking forum